On Quantification of Consciousness: Coefficient of Consciousness Expansibility by Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.


It is proposed that the consciousness of an animating soul responding as a linear elastic harmonic resonator can be defined as the square root of the ratio of the soul’s coefficient of consciousness expansibility, a karmic constant, to its constitution:

Natural Frequency = √ [k/m]

Where k depicts Coefficient of Consciousness Expansibility [Karmic Constant] and m denotes mass.

  • Consciousness is ALL THERE IS and is the most important thing in the universe [1-3].
  • To become fully consciousness is to remember who you are as a Being of Light [4], why you are here, and where you are going.
  • Consciousness is much more than self-awareness and response to environmental stimuli.
  • It involves thoughts, sensations, perceptions, moods, emotions, and dreams.
  • It is dictated by the collective mind that creates the programs of realities [5-10] through which your soul experiences simultaneously.
  • Realities are about the evolution of consciousness through experimentation in ‘time.’
  • We exist in a matrix, simulation, hologram, or virtual programmed reality that we believe is real because our brains tell us so.
  • Consciousness originates from light energy for the purpose of learning [11-12].
  • Light is stroboscopic and of flashing ‘on’ and ‘off’ nature [13-18].
  • Therefore, strictly speaking, we constantly undergo a period of consciousness and a ‘dark’ period.
  • However, the interval between the conscious and ‘dark’ states is so small, being of the magnitude of 10-43 (ten to the minus forty three) Earthly seconds (similar to “Planck’s Number”), that we cannot actively perceive its occurrence.
  • Therefore, we periodically oscillate ‘in’ and ‘out’ of consciousness.
  • Being of oscillatory characteristic, there exists a frequency that may be defined in cycles per second that describes the peaks of consciousness in unit time.
  • Thus, every ‘living’ soul may be characterized by a natural frequency of oscillation (or vibration) that quantifies its nature of consciousness [19-32].
  • The ‘natural frequency of vibration’ (or simply “frequency”) is the most prominent parameter that describes the nature of a Being, which characterizes the quality as well as quantity of its consciousness.
  • Distinctly different states of consciousness exist in the Multiuniverse [33-39].
  • The domain in which each particular state of consciousness or frequency is prevalent is commonly referred to as “dimension.”
  • Our consciousness currently exists in the third dimension, which relatively has a distinctively low frequency of vibration.
  • There are 12 dimensions that characterize the realm of ‘physicality’ [40-47].
  • The realities under which consciousness are experienced are governed by purposeful ‘program servers,’ which are not unlike computer software written in binary codes-languages.
  • There is a direct analogy between the light code-language and those compiled through machine language via electricity [48-52].
  • They are both of binary nature that are governed by ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ or switching ‘on’ and ‘off’ mechanism.
  • The third dimension program server of reality is strongly influenced by the concepts of space and time continuum, in which the ‘sensation’ of time is quite prevalent.
  • The space-time program server is characterized by a wave function that may be considered as piecewise linear [53].
  • Due to the SLOW DOWN of sequential events, there is a sensation of linear time in 3D [54] in which past, present, and future [55] becomes apparent, and thus adopted and agreed upon by the present reality to be the status quo.
  • The area under the space– time curve may be defined as the ‘free’ or light energy expended.
  • And, in the lower dimensions (e.g., the 3rd), it may be deduced that such wave function is strongly influenced by time.
  • In essence, however, space and time is inter-related.
  • Time is the inverse of space, and vice versa [56-57].
  • Conceptually, there exists a realm within the cosmos that the notion of space is much more dominant on the perception of time.
  • This is the realm of physicality which is governed by high constitution (matter-antimatter) [58-70].
  • This is the domain in which matter is quite dense, not candidly permitting the transparency of Light through the matter.
  • The deficiency of passage of Light through matter creates a condition of deprivation or scarcity for consciousness.
  • As consciousness is quantified by the natural frequency of vibration, consciousness is thus inversely proportional to the extent of matter or its density.
  • Also it is clear that consciousness experience is also a time dependent phenomenon.
  • A sentient soul originates as a point of consciousness of the Prime Creator [71-72].
  • It has also been suggested by the author that the phenomenon of consciousness is hologram-ic in nature, meaning that any portion or constituent part of its entirety (the universal consciousness) has the potential characteristic or aptitude as its original progenitor [73-74].
  • Therefore, a point of consciousness (a sentient soul [75-77]) has distinct potential for consciousness expansibility [78-79].
  • However, it is clear that due to the ‘universal law of cause and effect’ (law of karma [80-81]), the potential for consciousness expansibility may actually be deteriorated in time through adverse experience actually leading to a reduction of consciousness for the sentient soul [82-84].
  • It should, however, be emphasized here that deterioration of consciousness is an interim phenomenon and is a non-dissipative process, meaning it is fully reversible, in which the sentient soul may fully recover its original state, joining the progenitor, the Prime Creator, as long as the sentient soul manages to stay connected to the central God-SOURCE [85-86].
  • In this respect, as points of consciousness, we were all given a ‘free will’ and let experience ‘life’ in order to gain knowledge and further consciousness.
  • Unfortunately, as free-willed entities some of us became highly self-centered to the extent as to lose touch with our ‘SOURCE’ and perceived ourselves as ‘separate’ entities to that of our progenitor [87-89].
  • As we entered the realm of physicality by adopting a body shell, some became so mesmerized by ‘form’ and material ‘things’ [90-91] that forgot their true ‘source’ as points of consciousness and spirit Beings of Light.
  • They became so encapsulated or ‘condensed’ in their new ill-perceived presumptions that became totally ‘lost’ and practically isolated themselves from the SOURCE.
  • As a result, once proud as points of consciousness as companions to the All Mighty and co-creators, some began to conceive themselves as dust-worthy decedents of apes and product of physical evolution.
  • And, of course, physicality, is nothing but a holographic projection created through time-space program server designed by once co-creators and companions of the original ‘SOURCE.’
  • Thus, it is the current status of mankind’s ill-conceived reality, believing in a punishing God who by instituting the ‘day of judgment’ will reward a good deed or reprimand us for our every ‘sins’ after our ‘death.’
  • Fear not beloved fellow soul that death does not exist, as you are eternal.
  • Also, although your consciousness has deteriorated extensively, yet there is a point of return for ALL.
  • It is true that your consciousness expansibility has suffered at length, but rest assured as there is no annihilation, no permanent damage, and no utter failure.
  • Should you choose, you can reverse this recoverable process and head back toward consciousness expansion, and eventual join with your progenitor.
  • You need to clear and cleanse your soul from accumulated karma through awareness, allowance, and effective actions.
  • The starting point, beyond such spiritual awakening, is to dispense with victim consciousness, and begin to take full responsibility for all your actions in your perceived past, present, and future.
  • Consistent with the Law of Conservation of energy, ultimately, nothing is ever lost, and all is fully recoverable.
  • The key issues are firstly spiritual awakening [92], and ‘allowance’ of what that is discerned.
  • Through dispensing with all traits that are deflecting and deterrent to consciousness expansion such as fear [93] and anxiety [94], anger [95] and violence, false pride or ego [96-97], jealousy or completion, greed, etc., you can turn the wheel toward consciousness recovery.
  • All other such deterrent behaviors such as prejudice, injustice, theft, and all other karmic traits leading to buildup of unethical debt must be utterly and clearly avoided as to safeguard against accumulation of ‘excess baggage’ during this current round of reincarnation [98-99].
  • It is with this introduction that we can now define a new parameter, termed, ‘coefficient of consciousness expansibility,’ in order to further quantify the phenomenon of consciousness.
  • Note that any point in its history of existence, a soul is inherently prone to returning to the Prime Creator.
  • However due to advent of karma the soul ‘deflects’ from its initial equilibrium position in the mind of the Prime Creator.
  • A sentient soul is a point of consciousness originating from the superconscious mind of the Creator.
  • Free Will gives the sentient soul to exhibit a ‘degree of freedom,’ which gives rise to ‘deflection,’ which in turn, is aided by force of karma.
  • This resembles a ‘springing action,’ in which the karmic response becomes analogous to the spring constant (force per unit deflection) of a ‘spring.’
  • And, according to Newton’s Third Law of Motion, for every force of action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  • Therefore, the tendency to stay with the Creator is opposed by the Force of Karma, giving rise to ‘deflection.’
  • As an independent sentient entity possessing consciousness a soul has certain constitution that in the absence of physicality is of antimatter essence.
  • Once the soul ventures into physicality its constitution increases drastically as it becomes embedded in matter (outer shell or earth vessel known as body).
  • Therefore, the vibration characteristic of the sentient soul may be modelled as a simple mass-spring mechanical system in terms of physicality.
  • The simplest model is that of the vibration response of a Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) mass-spring system.
  • And, such a system, with absence of any dissipative mechanism (damping), is known to oscillate in Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM).
  • An SHM system has a ‘natural frequency of vibration’ that is directly proportional to the square root of its stiffness parameter (analogously, the Karmic Constant or ‘Coefficient of Consciousness Expansibility’ as it was referred to previously).
  • Furthermore, it may be shown from fundamental principles and deriving and solving the governing linear differential equation of motion for such a system that the natural frequency is inversely proportional to the square root of the mass for a simple harmonic oscillator.
  • An SHM system (harmonic oscillator) has a tendency to begin vibrating when it is excited by a frequency equal to this value (fundamental natural frequency).
  • Therefore, analogous to the theory of free vibration of un-damped single degree of freedom spring-mass system (a simple harmonic oscillator), the natural frequency (a way of characterizing consciousness) for a sentient soul may be deduced to be proportional to the square root of the ratio of the spring constant (or Coefficient of Consciousness Expansibility) to mass (soul constitution):

Natural Frequency = √ [k/m]

Where k depicts Coefficient of Consciousness Expansibility [Karmic Constant] and m denotes mass.

  • Where depicts coefficient of consciousness expansibility (a karmic constant) and  denotes constitution.
  • Alternatively, it may be deduced that coefficient for consciousness expansibility or this karmic constant is directly proportional to natural frequency of consciousness.
  • Thus, the natural frequency of vibration of a soul, which depicts the state of consciousness of a sentient soul, can be defined as being proportional to the ratio of coefficient of consciousness expansibility to the congealed consciousness mass or constitution (matter-antimatter).
  • In this regard, the sentient soul is presumed to be a single entity (analogous to a single mass in vibration mechanics).
  • It is clear that if a sentient soul can experience ‘life’ in more than one dimension simultaneously by splitting itself into multiple mass system, it has a better chance of gaining consciousness expansion (increasing its overall natural frequency).
  • Thus, one can experience ‘life’ sojourns in multiple dimensions simultaneously, which may be termed as “parallel dimensional realities” [100-101].
  • The division of a mass into multiple masses and the advent of parallel dimensions each possessing their own ‘apparent’ (or ‘relative’) distinct natural frequencies also insinuate that there must be more than one coefficient of consciousness expansibility involved in the equation.
  • In fact, one may expect the involvement of as many parameters as there are masses (Soul Aspects [102]).
  • This is completely consistent with the notion that since the parameter is experience-dependent, and because each reality or parallel dimension offers its uniquely own set of experiences for the involved party, each aspect of the soul is expected to exhibit its own inherent coefficient for consciousness expansibility.
  • This becomes analogous to the free un-damped vibration mechanics of a multi-degree of freedom (MDOF) system with distinct natural frequencies.
  • The mathematical problem thus resembles that of an eigenvalue problem [103-109] in which there exists discrete values associated with all sets of possible natural frequencies for which the overall multi-degree of freedom system may be excited to vibrate (animate).
  • Each possible scenario is termed a particular “mode” of vibration.
  • In our analogy of vibration or animation (bringing to life) of a sentient soul, each mode corresponds to a particular parallel dimension of reality in which a particular aspect of a soul is experiencing lifetime sojourns.
  • There exists a lowest natural frequency giving rise to a particular parallel dimension, which may be termed as the ‘fundamental’ natural frequency, and its counterpart dimension as the fundamental dimension.
  • The ‘fundamental parallel dimension’ corresponds to a reality in which the soul is experiencing the lowest amount of consciousness.
  • In the three dimensional parallel realities, since the consciousness (and thus natural frequencies) are very low, when one looks at piece-wise changes among such natural frequency (or consciousness) values, the system behavior gives rise to a linear system being governed by linear differential equations.
  • And, linear systems are governed by the principal of superposition which states that the overall response may be calculated by simply adding the individual responses each associated with a particular constituent.
  • Thus the sentient soul, as a whole, experiences consciousness equal to the sum of all its constituent soul aspects.
  • And, this is the advantage to ‘soul fragmentation.’
  • By splitting itself into constituent soul aspects, a soul may gain consciousness more effectively and efficiently in a concurrent manner.
  • This also alleviates the problem associated with ‘discrete’ consciousness of a soul that is subject to undergoing periods of ‘active or awake’ and ‘dark’ consciousness.
  • In order to ‘fill the gap’ in each interval of ‘on’ and ‘off’ consciousness, the sentient soul may split itself to traverse different parallel realms of consciousness in order to stay more ‘active’ in consciousness, thus increasing its overall frequency of consciousness.
  • As individual points of consciousness, no point is ‘continuously’ conscious.
  • It is only when all infinite constituent parts come fully together that an entity can gain continuous consciousness.
  • In terms of our vibration mechanics analogy one may distinguish between a single spring-mass system (a point of consciousness or sentient soul or Soul Aspect) and a continuous member such a rod or a beam (the Creator) being composed of an infinite number of points (or MDOF).
  • Thus, the state of utter and ‘continuous consciousness,’ in which an entity is ‘constantly’ conscious about all things happening everywhere at all times, is only reserved for God the Prime Creator, who is the progenitor of all conscious entities-sentient souls.
  • All other sentient souls fall short of such distinction.
  • On the other hand, a sentient soul can compensate for its ‘discrete consciousness’ through sequentially jumping in and out of multiple planes of realities.
  • It is said that a soul may be fragmented into 12 constituents ‘soul aspects,’ each experiencing a distinct parallel reality.
  • As long as the soul can complete these operations within a 10-43 seconds, the constituent soul aspects remain actively unaware of such happenings.
  • The ‘active conscious’ status is governed by the brain and has to do with all accumulated experiences gathered during one particular ‘reincarnation.’
  • However, a Soul Aspect is only a small part of the overall entity.
  • Through ‘subconscious’ memories a Soul Aspect remains always ‘connected’ to the parent soul and all its other constituent soul aspects.
  • The subconscious mind is governed through thymus and the heart and is operated through ‘intuition’ [110].
  • And, the phenomenon of ‘de ja vu’ is the direct consequence of remembering oneself in a parallel dimension.
  • Similar episodes are seen during dream state because during sub-consciousness one can visit a parallel soul aspect’s life and correctly perceive oneself as though going through life consisting of different circumstances.
  • There is yet a third aspect to consciousness which is referred to as the ‘superconscious’ state.
  • Superconsciousness exists as a result of ‘connection’ to the original progenitor, which is our father, the Prime Creator.
  • Although due to the degeneration of man’s consciousness it is extremely difficult for mankind to perceive of its superconsciousness, we are not disintegrated from the ‘whole,’ and we are still a constituent part of our original ‘SOURCE.’
  • It is only our ill-conceived sense of ‘separation’ that provides the illusion of being ‘alone’ and isolated.
  • In reality ALL is ONE and we are part of a ‘universal consciousness’ and the ‘whole.’
  • Self-centered ego, which were only meant to safeguard us against harm by acting as an alarm, has been aggrandized to act as a survival specialist, isolating us from the rest.
  • In reality, the notion of survival is futile.
  • There is no danger, there should not be a fear of another.
  • We are ALL ONE [111-113].
  • Vanity is another culprit in the illusory game of separatism.
  • It adheres to the fantasy of self-importance and being above all others.
  • It manifests itself through putting particular importance to the illusion of ‘form.’
  • And, in correct reality, form does not exist. It is an outer shell which is frequently and commonly shed in favor of a new one being grown for the purpose of a successive reincarnation.


You are of Family of Light

Light - Animation - Consciousness

We are ALL Connected!

we live in a hologram

we live in a hologram 2

we live in a hologram 3

dark period


Frequency 3

Frequency 2

Natural Frequency - light quotient - consciousnes

Natural Frequency 3

beginning of creation- metaphysics 2


stability- stiffness




Outer Consciousness

we are conduits of light 2

Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Publishing 2014.

This article has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a SERVICE to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for the sole purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their condemnation to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’

It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or any public forum only in its entirety, without changing its content, void of any paltering intent, and only if its content is not disseminated for the purpose of personal financial gains or ‘service to self only,’ and only if it is offered free of charge to the public without any page charges, download fees, or membership charges.


  1. Consciousness
  2. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part X: Consciousness
  3. Consciousness – Revisited: From 3-D Brain-Based Theories to understanding the TRUTH of Non-Local Aspect of Cosmic Consciousness
  4. We are Beings of Light!
  5. Cosmos and the Structure of Reality
  6. The Holographic Nature of our Existence: The Total Story
  7. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part IV: The Time Program Server of Reality
  8. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part IV: The Space Time Programs of Reality
  9. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VIII: The Holographic Universe and the Concept of Parallel Reality
  10. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part IX: On the True Nature of the Holographic Programs of Reality
  11. On the Creation of the Cosmos and the Advent of Light
  12. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part I: Light of Consciousness
  13. Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Consciousness
  14. Further Insights into the Mechanics of Flashing Consciousness
  15. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part III: ‘The Torus Effect’
  16. Mechanics of [Discrete-Quantum-Multidimensional] Consciousness
  17. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time Part III: Multidimensional (Quantum) Consciousness
  18. The Mechanics of Cosmos – Part II: Cosmic (Quantum) Consciousness and Sentient Vibration
  19. Soul-Body Vibration
  20. Life: A Vibrational Existence
  21. Consciousness Quanta of Energy, Matter-Antimatter and Consciousness Vibration within the Innerspace of Space-Time Dimensions
  22. The Fundamental Laws Governing Creation, Dimensional Space-Time, Matter-Antimatter, Conscious Vibration, and Entanglement
  23. A Mathematical Model for the Quantification of Consciousness [Soul Animation]
  24. A Mathematical Model for the Physical Vibration [Animation] of an Ageing Sentient Body
  25. A Unified Theory for the Conscious Vibration of a Sentient Light Being
  26. Dynamics of Sentient Vibration, Karmic Response, and Sequential Jumping of Souls into Parallel
  27. On the Concept of Frequency: The Proposed Cosmological Law of Frequential Dimensional Shift 
  28. Further Insights into the Concepts of Time, Space, Innerspace, and Frequency of Vibration
  29. Human Consciousness, Vibration, and Genetics
  30. On the Nature of Time Progression and its Relevance to Conscious Vibration
  31. A Unified Theory for the Creation of Cosmos and Vibration of all that it contains
  32. Interdimensional Physics: Concepts of Time, Space, Dimensions, Quantum Consciousness and Sentient Vibration
  33. The Cosmos and ‘Consciousness’
  34. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part II: Time and Consciousness
  35. Dimensions of Consciousness
  36. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XI: The Innerspace and the Dimensional Aspect of Consciousness
  37. Further Insights in Deciphering the Dimensional Space-Time of the Cosmos
  38. A Model for the Graphical Depiction of Dimensional Time Space Continuum 
  39. Graphical Depiction of Dimensional Time Space Continuum – Revisited
  40. A Unified Model for Depiction of the Twelve Physical Time-Space Continuums
  41. Further Insights on Depiction of the 12 Physical Time-Space Continuums
  42. A Tale of the Two Suns: Part III: On the Main (Cosmological)  Dimensional Structure of the Nebadon Universe
  43. A Tale of the Two Suns: Part IV: On the Nebadon’s 12D Grid and Harmonic Universes 
  44. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation- Part-XXII: The Third to Fifth Harmonic Universes and The Innerspace beyond The 9th Dimension
  45. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XIII: The Second Harmonic Universe
  46. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XII: The First Harmonic Universe
  47. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions -Part I: Fundamentals of the Dimensional Time-Space Consciousness and Reality
  48. The Foundation of Electric – Magnetic Energetics
  49. On the Quantum Mechanics of Creation of the Electromagnetic Cosmos
  50. Further Insights on the Quantum Energetics of the Cosmos
  51. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part I: The Crystalline-Electric Cosmos, Eden magazine, December 2016
  52. The Chakric Auric System, Thoughts, Creationism, and its Relevance to the Omnipotent Crysto-Electric Cosmos
  53. Creation of Reality through Conscious Observation 
  54. Linear Time and the NOW 
  55. The Reality of Soul Aspect, Soul Expression, and Oversoul (HIGHERSELF), and the Illusory Notion of the “Past, Present and Future” 
  56. The Space-Time Fundamentals
  57. Space-Time-Revisited
  58. Fundamental Laws of Cosmos Inter-relating Consciousness, Constitution [Matter-Antimatter] and Energy
  59. On the Cosmological Law of Consciousness-Constitution Interaction  
  60. A Theory of Everything: Matter – Antimatter 
  61. A Cosmic Constitutive Theory: Matter-Antimatter
  62. On the Quantum Mechanics and the Structure of Form Composed of Energetic Particles of Creation
  63. The Relevance of Matter-Antimatter Particle Mechanics to the Dimensional Space-Times of the Physical Universe
  64. A Tale of the two Suns – Part II: On the Parallel-Antiparallel-Dimensional System and the Worlds of Matter-Antimatter of the Nebadon Universe
  65. The Worlds of Matter-Antimatter of the Parallel and Antiparallel Omni Earths
  66. THEORY OF EVERYTHING: Physicality
  67. The Physical Domains: the “Seven Higher Heavens” or “Superuniverses”
  68. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation: The Physical and Ethereal Worlds
  69. A Higher Dimensional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: The Physical versus the Ethereal States
  70. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation: The Physical and Ethereal Aspects of Existence
  71. The God-SOURCE: The Prime Creator and the Foundation of Divine Creation
  72. The Prime Creator
  73. Is Consciousness Heterogeneous, Homogeneous or Hologramic 
  74. On the Quantum Energetic Mechanics of Creation: Microcosm to Macrocosm and the Concept of Hologram-within-Hologram
  75. Essays on Humanity – Part II: Sentience
  76. Essays on Humanity – Part V: Living as Sentient Beings  
  77. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VII: The Mechanics of Sentience
  78. Consciousness Expansibility
  79. The Interconnection of Vibration, ‘Consciousness Expansibility,’ ‘Soul Compliance,’ and Karma and their Relevance to Consciousness
  80. Karma 
  81. The True Meaning and Purpose of Karma
  82. Sentient Vibration: Concept of Soul Entropy and the Principle of Positive Entropy Production Rate
  83. Further Insights into the Phenomenon of Sequential Jumping and Soul Entropy Production Caused by Sentient Vibration
  84. On the Cosmological Laws of Equilibrium and Balance: Soul Entropy and the Law of Entropy Production Rate
  85. On the Issue of the Perpetuity of the Universe and Closed versus Open Source of Energy
  86. On the Question of Immortality versus Polarity Reversal
  87. Quantum Entanglement
  88. We are ALL Connected: The Principle of Local and Non-local Entanglement
  89. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part II: The Illusion of Separation 
  90. The Phenomena of ‘Artificial Time’ and Artificial ‘Anti-Energy’ (Money) Leading to ‘Unconsciousness’ 
  91. Money: The Root of All Evils
  92. The Several Stages of Awakening and their Relations to the Different Phases of the Universal Law of Attraction
  93. Anxiety
  94. Fear: Mankind’s Worst Enemy
  95. Modern Psychology 101 – Anger, to be published
  96. Ego
  97. On the 3 Aspects of Ego, Living within the First Harmonic Universe, to be published
  98. Reincarnation
  99. Saying NO to Reincarnation is your only Ticket out of the 3-D Duality Matrix
  100. The Concept of ‘Phase Angle’ and the Equivalence of the ‘Worlds Above-Below’ and the ‘Outer-Inner Worlds’
  101. Parallel Dimensions
  102. On the Quantum Reality of having the Status of a ‘Soul Aspect,’ ‘Soul Expression,’ ‘Oversoul (Monad),’ ‘Avatar,’ and becoming an ‘Ascended Master,’ ‘Guardian-Founder,’ and Beyond
  103. A Mathematical Model for the Vibration of Two Mutually-Aware Soul Aspects: Soul Aspects Vibrating as a MDOF System
  104. Mathematical Models for Vibration of Multiple Mutually-Aware Soul Aspects: Soul Aspects Vibrating as a SDOF Ensemble
  105. A Critical Review of Vibration of Multiple Mutually-Aware Soul Aspects 
  106. A General Formulation for Multidimensional Coupled Vibration of Multiple Mutually-Aware Soul Aspects 
  107. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, A Course in Multidimensionality, Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Press, 2012.
  108. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part V: Multidimensionality
  109. Multidimensional Vibration
  110. Essays on Humanity – Part IV: Emotion-Intuition versus Thought-Logic
  111. Unity Consciousness: Its Quantum Nature, Dissemination and Expansion
  112. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part IV: Attaining Unity Consciousness (Oneness)
  113. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part III: The Mechanics of Collective (Unity) Consciousness

By multidimensionalconsciousness

5 comments on “On Quantification of Consciousness: Coefficient of Consciousness Expansibility by Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.

  1. Dr. Sarfarazi, You have summed up the meaning of Life, the Wholeness of Life beautifully. It is time for humanity to “Wake up”, at least to the reality of All is One, All is Consciousness. Thank you for sharing, Lee

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: On Quantification of Consciousness by Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D. – Jakob_EGO

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