Papers on Human Energetics

  1. We are ALL Reservoirs of Energy
  2. Our Inner Cosmos: A Reader’s Digest of exactly what and who we are   
  3. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System
  4. The Human Chakric and Auric System 
  5. The Human Bio-plasmic Field
  6. The Chakric Auric System, Thoughts, Creationism, and its Relevance to the Omnipotent Crysto-Electric Cosmos  
  7. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part I: The Crystalline-Electric Cosmos , Eden magazine, December 2016
  8. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part II: The Human Bio-Plasmic (Etheric) Field, Eden magazine, January 2017
  9. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part III: The Inner Cosmos (Aura, Chakras, Nadis), Eden magazine, February 2017
  10. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part IV: Auric Microcracking and Energetic Depletion Eden magazine, December 2017
  11. On the Kirlian Effect of Capturing the Light of Aura  
  12. The Effects of Interpersonal Communications and Behavior on Auric Integrity  
  13. The Effects of Air Travel and Visiting Powernodes on Auric Integrity  
  14. Auric Depletion and its Avoidance  
  15. Fundamentals of Auric Skin Microcracking and Energetic Leakage: Cleavage Microcracking due to Differential Pressure 
  16.  The Re-emergence of Crystallinity [Ascension] and the Need for Optimal Auric Circuitry
  17. The First Chakra 
  18. The Second Chakra 
  19. Theory of EVERYTHING: Dark Matter Manifestation Body and Morphogenetic Template
  20. The Coronavirus Pandemic – Part I: Introduction
  21. The Coronavirus Pandemic – Part II: The Use of Nanotechnology and Radiation Poisoning for Bio-viral Weaponization and Warfare
  22. The Coronavirus Pandemic – Part III: Connection to New World Order, 5g Cell Technology, Transhumanism, and Alien Hybridization Agendas
  23. The Coronavirus Pandemic – Part IV: Deeper Roots in Human-Negative Aliens History: the Caduceus Network and Consciousness Reversal  
  24. The Coronavirus Pandemic Part A: Virology 101: Viruses and Retroviruses  
  25. On the Polarity Aspect of Creation
  26. The New Psychology 101 Series: The TRUE Significance of the Term: “Genetic Equals”
  27. “Resurrecting One’s Inner Masculinity:” A New Form of Gender Confusion-Splitting?
