The New Psychology 101 Series: The TRUE Significance of the Term: “Genetic Equals” by Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.


This manuscript discusses the problem of the inability of most individuals who seem to be ‘stuck’ in a circumstance of seemingly destined to remain single, unable to find an appropriate partner to share their lives with. And, it is elucidated that the problem is much more pronounced with the female gender, because many of these individuals are not only singles as a result of having either conceived children out of wedlock, or having being divorced, with the greatest majority of them having been left to ward for themselves as well as bringing up their children. These individuals are particularly under severe hardship and stress, often being afflicted with anxiety, fear, as well as anger resulting from having been abandoned to deal with bringing their children by themselves, as well as many are plagued with their unpleasant memories with regard to their ex-husbands, or ex-partners. And, at the foundation or the crux of the whole affair lies the genetic memories of misogyny as a result of having had to endure experiencing their sojourns of lives within AI-imposed blended consciousness realities imbued with patriarchal domination, which could lead to some form of psychosis-neurosis by itself. And, to add to all this complication leading to incredibly unbalanced consciousness energetic scenario, is the fact that for millennia they have themselves been subjected to mind control programming that imposes the self-destructive impulses of living their lives in a society that regards being a seductress archetype is the only way to survive through trying to balance or nullify the negative effects of patriarchal domination, by compelling the male counterpart to chase their seductive signals, necessitated by the fact that the males themselves are programmed to do the very same thing, always literally ‘chasing skirts’ wherever they can find or encounter with. Of course, not all males nor females are 100% forced to follow such trends as there is the case of following and exercising one’s sense of Right of Free Will and Sovereignty no matter how challenging it has been made for them to overcome all the dire odds to experience their sojourns of lives.  Accordingly, with major emphasis put on the case of the females, herein, certain guidelines have been suggested as to be able to cope with such difficulties that are more pertinent to these particularly difficult or challenging times of Pre-Ascension.      

  • The cultural landscape of human society has changed drastically as of more recently.
  • Generally speaking, ever since the end of the WWII, there has been a tremendous change in human consciousness reality [1-6].
  • And, most of this has transpired as a result of reptilian negative aliens [7-12], so-to-speak, focusing their attention on the Earth and 3D humanity, essentially ‘tightening the screws’ on us as a ‘kept race’ afflicted with the ‘unconsciousness enslavement’ [13-14] that has been subject to negative aliens’ mind control programming [15-25] for millennia going as much back as 212,000 years ago.
  • Specifically, during this auspicious time of pre-Ascension, practically the family structure particularly in the West, and especially in the USA, has been utterly destroyed, leaving many coping with being afflicted with single status and without a partner.
  • In particular, this has led many (mostly females) nowadays speaking  of lack of “genetic equals” to share their lives with.
  • In a separate publication, the author addressed the unique issue with the females who seem to engage in conflict with their prospective male partners or with any males they come in contact with for that matter [26-27].
  • It was concluded that it may have something to do with the accelerated program of parasitic attacks [28], energetic siphonage [29], and feedings by these outer parasites (such as SPEs [30]) as well as triggering the activation of internal Shadow Selves [31-32] that are pre-programmed to come on line during such lowly frequential moments of conflict and anger [33], which literally can occur at a drop of a hat, engaging with their male counterparts.   
  • And, this is particularly shocking and surprising as it can occur even when the male refrains from any male egotistical conduct, when exercising extreme patience not to trigger any conflicts with his  female counterpart.
  • No doubt the energetic landscape for human consciousness field is drastically changing on a day to day basis now [34] with the advent of highly potent frequency plasma light energies [35-41] whose overall purpose is to re-encrypt [42-43] the dark matter core manifestation body template or morphogenetics of human beings [44-45] with the caveat that these energies must be properly and promptly accreted and absorbed by the recipient human beings.
  • This, of course, has given rise to a slew of so-called Ascension Symptoms [46-54] that are accompanied with much bodily discomforts and pains that no doubt exacerbate an already difficult situation.
  • In particular, note that humanity has been afflicted by the tyranny of patriarchal (male) domination and the calamity of misogyny for far too long.
  • These trends or traits describe the dogma of belief and behavior of reptilian negative aliens society that have been directly or inadvertently imposed upon humanity as humanity has been long under the tyrannical suppressive-oppressive control of their rule.
  • Patriarchal domination, and worse misogyny, are totally ‘alien’ to the inherent design and natural trait of the offspring of an unconditionally loving [55] God-SOURCE progenitor [56-57], who are regarded as solar sentient organic consciousness or Light beings [58].
  • In particular, humanity as a form of embodied consciousness, is the end product of the ‘Divine Design’ that closely conforms to, and follows, the essential ‘Dualism Principle of Creation’ [59-60] that asserts everything by ‘natural design’ are created as conjugate pairs that are although seemingly contrasting in nature, they are created symbiotically with respect to one another with one complementing the other, thus culminating in creation of a well-ordered [61-63], balanced system of Creation [64-71].
  • And, for the same reason, leading to pro-Creation of the same, the God-SOURCE has instituted the very concept of gender [72-73].
  • Accordingly, as the pre-requisite to Creation, to begin with, the God-SOURCE has divided ITS own quanta of crystalline coherent intelligible energies referred to as consciousness [74-76] into a male (expansive-electric) and a female (contractive-magnetic) component with the combined two rendering ITS initial Neutral, genderless or androgenous trait, thus collectively giving rise to the advent of a Trinity form [77] of existence comprised of male, female, and neutral-androgenous components.
  • In this respect, the male component is the ‘transmitter,’ and the female counterpart, the ‘receiver’ of energy.   
  • Furthermore, neither the transmitter is the receiver, nor receiver the transmitter.
  • Each is unique and has its unique trait playing its own distinct role in Creation.
  • They are both of equal importance and are created mutually symbiotically, with their own unique traits, in order to complement one another, forming a union that is sacred referred to as the Hieros Gamos [78], giving rise to a balanced creational product totally in equilibrium with itself that is also well-ordered and crystalline that by the sanctity of sacred marriage gives rise to a coherent, intelligible form of consciousness product as the offspring of God.
  • In this respect, the male component has the inherent trait of electric energetic quality that is expansive in nature that embarks on a venture entailing spiraling away from its parent SOURCE to explore, while the female counterpart as the ‘base Mother’ has a contractive quality towards the ever-loving parent SOURCE providing a magnetic loving foundation, almost like a glue, that bonds everything together.
  • And, while the male component fulfils its role as the ‘transmitter’ as its own unique form that epitomize a ‘provider,’ as a sustaining energetic source, the female counterpart provides the magnetic bond for the two and what is to come as the offspring of the two, forming their own ‘family unit.’
  • Although the exact details with regard to male and female human gender forms are somewhat more complicated or involved with either male or female gender being composed of both male-expansive-electric-transmitter quality and female-contractive-magnetic-receiver trait, by the virtue of a difference in the proportion of either quality existing within either gender and whether this is biased or dominant towards either trend, a person is born and regarded as either a male or a female, accordingly.
  • More specifically, in terms of physical embodiment, the right side is of male-electric energetic, while the left epitomizes female-magnetic energetic.
  • Thus, when an offspring of God is predominantly electric, he manifests as a male, and when she is predominantly magnetic, she manifests as a female.
  • And, such is the true origin of a human being by divine creational design.  
  • However, due to the nefarious interference by the reptilian negative aliens captors and controllers of human beings, this original well-balanced organic design of humanity has been purposefully distorted.
  • And, the reason for this is to negate the process of Hieros Gamos [79] ever taking place as it is the underlying requirement for Ascension [80-84] to higher dimensional planes of consciousness or Harmonic Universal domains [85-87].
  • More specifically, in order to achieve Ascension, one must first restore one’s neutral energetic balance while crossing the Zero-Point Field [88-91] and the Neural Network of God to reach the higher planes of consciousness.
  • This is something that, once the requirements are met, occurs instantly through hypercommunication, entailing travelling as torsion waves [92] as if boring through the innerspace [93-95] via spinning one’s quanta of energy at infinite velocity, culminating in transmigrating one’s consciousness energy instantaneously to reach one’s destination, while entailing practically hitching a ride within the Zero-Point Field in which there is no time [96-98] (and according no space that epitomizes the congealed aspect of time [99-102]).
  • Thus, as a result of our consciousness distortion and reversal [103-105] that herein more specifically pertains to the calamity of ‘gender splitting’ [106], via insertion of certain genetic implants [107] that function as frequency fences [108] in our morphogenetics, the true instructional sets regarding the tendency for achieving energetic balance has been violated in all human beings that have been incarnating on 3D Earth for many millennia, going back to the inception of the invasion of Earth by the negative aliens.
  • As a result, male domination and misogyny had become a fact of life for human beings who were continuously recycled through the Astral Plane [109-111] to endlessly reincarnate on Earth in a futile manner [112-113], never-ever having the chance to consciously expand [114-117], leading to their Ascension out of this generated prison planet.
  • And, on a lighter side, this has affected the dogma of behavior among humanity, with only a bad situation having deteriorated further and exacerbated into an absurd situation.
  • In this regard, women as a response to their anger with regard to having been afflicted with inequality for such a long time and having been actually further deprived of fulfilling their rights as equals, under the erroneous contempt as the “women’s lib” movement and such, practically abandoned their responsibilities as true Mothers, which is designed by Creation to be the ‘Magnetic Bonding Agent’ in the family.
  • And, this has been effectively aiding the nefarious deploy for breaking up human family structure by the negative aliens or their pathetic human puppets and overseers of their nefarious agendas upon this  planet.  
  • It is ‘Divide and Conquer Strategy’ in its most efficient form, only benefiting the negative aliens.
  • Via making further division between the male and female human genders, which is exacerbated by both parties, effectively abandoning the sanctity of the sacred marriage and family structure, the Cabal not only have managed to dupe humans in committing to engage in further hard labor and slavery, they have practically given Carte Blanche authorization to the negative aliens to do what they desire to their innocent children who remain unsupervised while both parents are undergoing hard labor to try ‘make ends meets’ much more than fulfilling their perceived fantasies of earning more money.
  • Meanwhile, not only one but both are heavily taxed by the IRS, leaving practically not much more for the “modern” or “new age” couple to fulfil their futile and absurd materialistic fantasies as compare to when men were working and women would keep the family structure together.
  • And, what is more, that neither the females or males want to ‘give in’ by taking turns to take care of their own innocent children, especially taking charge of their educational and spiritual needs.
  • Accordingly, what often transpires that is particularly prevalent among lower consciousness couples is that each goes its own way, committing infidelities with respect to one another viewing sexual promiscuity as such a ‘modern’ and sought after trend to follow, or being mesmerized with materialism feverishly pursuing to buy that latest thing for themselves, and indulging in similar self-indulgences.
  • Negative aliens know just how to institute and incite vanity in human beings as well as compel them to indulge in self-destructive manners much to their delight while they harvest more loosh [118] from human beings.
  • And, the most fundamental aspect of this nefarious agenda is deployed in the case of gender aspect of our Creation.
  • Namely, the negative aliens, in line with their own psychopathic, sociopathic, narcissistic dogma of behavior via the use of holographic inserts [119] have instituted the subroutines of “patriarchal domination” and “Seductress Female” Archetypes [21] in the equation of our natural holographic consciousness reality.
  • In this respect, the male behaves as a suppressive-oppressive tyrant who seeks to institute the dogma of male chauvinist patriarchal domination at work, home, as well as in his society, and wherever he can.
  • This has digressed and degraded to the point that has given rise to the repugnant dogma of misogyny in our society.
  • And, accordingly, this has sprouted out much dismay and even anger within the deep consciousness of our females on this planet.
  • As a result, over the millennia, not only females have resorted or stoop down to practicing and portraying themselves as seductresses in order to get what they want, as of more recently, starting with the past (20th) century, they have embarked on a campaign to try to get even with their male counterpart, all under the (derailed) notion of equality, as “women’s lib” or “feminist movement” that has actually given rise to “Misandry.”
  • And, what misandry entails is the contempt for, or hatred of, or prejudice against, the male gender, in general.
  • Misandry may be manifested in numerous ways, including hostility, pompous and biased belittling of men, mockery, social exclusion, sexism (sexual discrimination) against men, gynocentrism (seeing everything exclusively with a feminist point of view), or sexual objectification (seeing the other gender as a sexual object), as well as even violence against men.
  • And, this seems to crop up routinely in the human society today.
  • Examples include, possibly resulting as a matter of having been suppressed-oppressed by men throughout the countess millennia, when the female gender constantly exhibits revengeful aggression or competitive strive against men, either openly, or through carefully disguised stealth action, always trying to ‘get the better of the male gender.’
  • This is particularly disturbing as even when encountering the most potentially loving, giving, fair, supportive male, the female 3D human, always strives to paly games, whether through seductress strives, or by a way of trying to be delusionally superiorly ‘clever,’ outsmarting her partner.
  • This epitomizes a rather pathetic, sad scenario that either culminates in totally manipulating the man (the original mission if the female) into submission to her Will via seductress deploys, or most likely, enflaming a game of ‘battle of sexes’ between the two with each party trying to outsmart and subjugate the other to his-her Will.  
  • And, obviously, the former pertains to men who are driven by strong sexual urges that become a pawn in a game in which the seductress female eventually has an upper hand.
  • Conversely, this can lead to domestic violence in which the males stoop to committing violence and rape to subjugate their females to fulfil their deranged sexual lusts or what is commonly and ignorantly referred to as justifiable “needs.”
  • And, oddly enough, in this case, often females conform to the said circumstances, often making excuses for their male partner’s behavior, and then again, the entire process repeats itself.
  • These all epitomize derailed behaviors arising from either psychopathic-sociopathic behaviors or are attributed to deep cases of subconscious psychosis-neurosis, which are not apparent on the surface that have their roots in regressed distant memories.
  • Anyway, even if we concentrate on the most mild examples of all such unprecedented behaviors, it divides the male and female forbidding them from having a peaceful, loving, mutually supportive, fully enjoyable relationship, and instead, leads to loss of interest or having contempt for one another, and even bitterness leading to conflicts.
  • And, the most prolific aspect of this type of behavior occurs when the female who feels compelled by the notion of “I have a bone to pick with you,” embarks on a mission to confront her male partner or counterpart, which leads to disastrous results when the female adopts the competitive or even defensive posture, literally trying to “wear pants” emulating the age old derailed masculine attitude, perceiving this as her inalienable right for achieving gender equality!
  • This is a trend that is particularly prevalent among single mothers who are abandoned by their husbands for one deranged reason or another that may apply to both of them, often having had to literally “wear pants” warding for themselves and their children as single parents.
  • And, often having bad memories of earlier marriage(s), it leaves them with psychosis-neurosis related anger diminishing, or often practically utterly negating, the possibility of ever finding a new partner to experience the mutual loving, peaceful, and prosperous life sojourns together.     
  • Note that God has created the male and female gender that if all is left to nature, will lead to fitting together “like a glove.”
  • And, this transpires when the female takes her role as a magnetic, loving, bonding form of energy, naturally attracting the male counterpart, who is charged with the electric energy of protecting her female counterpart (wife, lover, etc.) to the fullest extent, no matter what the consequences for his own safety might entail.
  • Note that male humans are by design left-brained, which means they are more logical and are more prone to think of things in terms of mathematics, being often more analytical.
  • Thus, it is less likely to be able to deceive a logically-minded male of similar or higher intelligence – frequential consciousness when compared to that of her female counterpart.
  • On the contrary, females are right-brained, and tend to be more emotional as a whole, resorting more to their intuitive intelligence guided by their hearts [120].
  • Thus, on a whole, it is futile for a female to try to lie to or deceive her male partner that even include seductress deploys, unless the man thinks more with, or driven by, his lower sexual organ.
  • In other words, if you want your male partner to be utterly faithful and dedicated to you, ‘watching over you with the hawk eyes’ and protecting you as a ‘wife-lover,’ accordingly, complement his strive for achieving and providing such ‘security’ for both of you, instead of ‘wearing pants,’ trying to emulate what may be described as the ‘worst of him.’
  • And, remember the best approach is to be utterly honest with him no matter how you would think that you could manipulate him with your good looks that could be tainted with lies and false pretenses or seductress strives or any other descriptive conducts.
  • Note that God has created you to bond with him.
  • Thus, clearly, accentuate your feminine features lovingly for him to observe, and especially strive for him to hear your soft, loving energetic voice, that would only ‘sweeten the pot’ or sooths the day for both of you.
  • Furthermore, know that living and fulfilling your role as a desirable female, is nothing to be ashamed of, if it is done with honesty and purity of intent, bringing the best of your feminine qualities on the surface.
  • You came to this world as a female.
  • Thus, enjoy your feminine attributes and do not refrain to display them at appropriate times and to the appropriate person (your husband, partner, lover).
  • There is nothing more disappointing or even repugnant to a male who comes to give you his utter unconditional love and devotion and in exchange encounters an imposter male who takes the competitive, aggressive approach to literally come at him with a brute force!
  • Learn to be harmonious with your suiter, husband, male partner, or lover.
  • And, in order to achieve this, take your rightful position as a female, expressing all your loving, bonding, magnetic, inherent energetic traits and live fulfilling your rightful role as the most desirable female partner that includes not just good and pleasant looks and expressions, but one possessing a pure, honest, loving heart.  
  • In return, watch your partner to fulfil his role as a male-electric supporter-protector, transmitting his loving energies unconditionally for you to receive and enjoy and forever live in peace and harmony alongside him.
  • Now this is what is called “genetic equals.”

Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Publishing 2021.

This article has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a SERVICE to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for the sole purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their condemnation to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’

It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or any public forum only in its entirety, without changing its content, void of any paltering intent, and only if its content is not disseminated for the purpose of personal financial gains or ‘service to self only,’ and only if it is offered free of charge to the public without any page charges, download fees, or membership charges.


  1. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part IV: The Time Program Server of Reality
  2. Cosmos and the Structure of Reality
  3. The Holographic Nature of our Existence: The Total Story
  4. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part IV: The Space Time Programs of Reality
  5. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VIII: The Holographic Universe and the Concept of Parallel Reality
  6. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part IX: On the True Nature of the Holographic Programs of Reality
  7. Who are Negative Aliens?
  8. Who are the Negative Aliens and what do they Represent?
  9. On the ‘Common’ Characteristics of the Negative Aliens
  10. What led the Negative Aliens to be What they are and why they became Parasitic-Vampiric?
  11. The Negative Aliens Nefarious Agenda: An Introduction
  12. Negative Aliens and their Entropic Gestalt of Consciousness
  13. Negative Aliens Holographic Insert of Reversal Pertaining to our Consciousness Imprisonment
  14. The Phenomena of ‘Artificial Time’ and Artificial ‘Anti-Energy’ (Money) Leading to ‘Unconsciousness’ 
  15. Negative Aliens and their different Mind Controlling Tactics
  16. Negative Aliens and their Nefarious Agendas and Strategies: System of Mind Control
  17. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: Circumventing Mind Control
  18. Negative Aliens and their Archetype Mind Control
  19. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Gender Archetypes Mind Control Programming: An Overview
  20. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC): Male-Archetype Mind Control Programming,” to be published
  21. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Mind Control Programming: Female Archetype Seductress Mentality, to be published
  22. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC): Male-Archetype Mind Control Programming: Misogyny, to be published
  23. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC)  Mind Control Programming:  Gender Confusion, to be published
  24. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC)  Mind Control Programming:  Sexual Misery, to be published
  25. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC)  Mind Control Programming:  Sexual Promiscuity and Addiction, to be published
  26. Modern Psychology 101: Insights on Behavioral and Psychological Derailment Afflicted by AI-Generated Clandestine Energetic Parasitic Attacks- Feedings: A Case Study
  27. Modern Psychology 101: Present Changes in the Consciousness Energetic Field of Humanity
  28. Negative Aliens “Attachments,” “Possessions” and how to Circumvent them 
  29. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC)  Technology: “Parasitism – Siphoning energies, to be published
  30. Negative Aliens and Suppressor Parasite Entities (SPEs)
  31. Modern Psychology 101: ‘Shadow Self,’ Possessions and Parasitization
  32. What Negative Aliens are: On Dead Light, Negative Forms, Shadow Selves, Demons, Parasites, and Alike, to be published
  33. Modern Psychology 101 – Anger, to be published
  34. Earth Humanity’s New State of Mind and Consciousness: How to Properly Perceive it and Cope with it
  35. Fundamentals of Dissemination of Light Plasma, Solar Storms, Solar Flares, and Coronal Mass Ejections [CME]
  36. Light-Time Acceleration and its Impact on Consciousness and Ascension
  37. The Effect of Accelerated Solar Activities on Evolution
  38. The Effect of Cosmic Radiation and Ionization on Earth Humanity Ascension
  39. Consciousness
  40. On Accretion and Absorption of Light, to be published
  41. The Effect of Light Frequency on Human DNA, to be published
  42. Distortion of the Core Manifestation Body via Black Goo, its Re-encryption and its Relation to Phantom Reality
  43. The Aurora Beings and the Dark Matter Core Body Manifestation Re-Encryption Project, to be published
  44. The Dark Matter Core Body Template and the Planetary-Human Morphogenetic system, to be published
  45. Human Angelic Oraphim Genetics and 12D DNA Strand Crystalline Silicate Morphogenetic Structure, to be published
  46. Ascension Maladies or Symptoms – Part I: Difficulties Associated with Clearing-Cleansing and Evolutional Changes
  47.  Ascension Maladies or Symptoms Part II: Difficulties Associated with Heightened Sense of Awareness Arising from Periodic Upshifts in Natural Frequency and Intermittent Vibrations within Higher Dimensions of Consciousness
  48. Ascension ‘Maladies’ or Symptoms – Part III: Other Symptoms or Problems – Summary and Conclusions  
  49. Alleviating the Ascension Maladies through Understanding and Living from the Heart – Part I: General Discussion
  50. Alleviating the Ascension Maladies through Understanding and Living from the Heart – Part II: Literature Review
  51. Ascension Maladies: A Simplified Biomechanics Theory of Spatial Bifurcation Triggering a Sense of Postural Instability or Buckling in Space 
  52. On Persistent Ascension Symptoms -Part I: Flu-and-Allergy-Like Complications
  53. On Persistent and New Ascension Symptoms- Part II: Sleeplessness and Exhaustion
  54. On Persistent Ascension Symptoms – Part III: Ungroundedness and Dizziness, to be published
  55. Unconditional Love 
  56. The God-SOURCE: The Prime Creator and the Foundation of Divine Creation  
  57. The Prime Creator
  58. We are Beings of Light!
  59. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation: The Equation of Dualism
  60. The Dualism Principle of Creation
  61. Divine Order: Quantum Non-locality
  62. We are ALL bound by a Divine Order
  63. Syntropy and the Cosmological Law of Consciousness Expansion and ORDER
  64. Fundamentals of Mechanics of Creation
  65. Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Creation: THEORY OF EVERYTHING
  66. Consciousness, Creation and Cosmos
  67. The Foundation of Electric – Magnetic Energetics
  68. On the Quantum Mechanics of Creation of the Electromagnetic Cosmos 
  69.  Further Insights on the Quantum Energetics of the Cosmos
  70. On the Creation of the Cosmos and the Advent of Light
  71. On the Quantum Energetic Mechanics of Creation: Microcosm to Macrocosm and the Concept of Hologram-within-Hologram
  72. On the Polarity Aspect of Creation
  73. On the Gender Principle of Creation,” to be published
  74. Consciousness
  75. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part X: Consciousness
  76. Consciousness – Revisited: From 3-D Brain-Based Theories to understanding the TRUTH of Non-Local Aspect of Cosmic Consciousness
  77. Trinity
  78. Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage), to be published
  79. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage) Prevention, to be published
  80. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ascension Earth 2012, Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Press, 2012.
  81. Crystalline Consciousness and the Dawn of Ascension 
  82. Who are the Guardian Hosts? – The Updated Ascension Program (Plan B)
  83. Who are the Fallen Melchizedeks – Part III: The False Ascension (5D) Matrix
  84. Negative Aliens (Draconian) Purported Spreading Mis-information Regarding Falsehood of the Golden Age of Gaia and Ascension
  85. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XIII: The Second Harmonic Universe
  86. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation- Part-XXII: The Third to Fifth Harmonic Universes and The Innerspace beyond The 9th Dimension
  87. A Tale of the Two Suns: Part IV: On the Nebadon’s 12D Grid and Harmonic Universes 
  88. On The Zero-Point Field, or Unified Field, Neural Network or the Divine Mind of the God-SOURCE, to be published
  89. Unity Consciousness: Its Quantum Nature, Dissemination and Expansion
  90. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part IV: Attaining Unity Consciousness (Oneness)
  91. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part III: The Mechanics of Collective (Unity) Consciousness
  92. Void-Singularity-Vacuum, Generation of Torsion Fields in Dimensional Continuums and its Relevance to the Spinning of the Cosmos
  93. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XI: The Innerspace and the Dimensional Aspect of Consciousness
  94. Consciousness Quanta of Energy, Matter-Antimatter and Consciousness Vibration within the Innerspace of Space-Time Dimensions
  95. Further Insights into the Concepts of Time, Space, Innerspace, and Frequency of Vibration
  96. Linear Time and the NOW
  97. Parallel and Alternate Dimensions, the NOW, and the Holographic Nature of Time and Space
  98. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part V: The Local and Absolute NOW Moment and the Advent of Torsion Waves
  99. The Time-Space Continuum
  100. The Space-Time Fundamentals
  101. Space-Time-Revisited
  102. The Fundamental Essential Law of Spatial Cohabitation
  103. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology, Metatronic Reversal, to be published
  104. The Coronavirus Pandemic – Part IV: Deeper Roots in Human-Negative Aliens History: the Caduceus Network and Consciousness Reversal
  105. The Story of us Humans – Part II: Nebadon’s Invasion by the Negative Aliens leading to Exploitation of the Divine Creation and our Consciousness Reversal
  106. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: Gender Splitting, to be published
  107. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC)  Technology: Alien Energetic Implants – An Overview, to be published
  108. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology, An Overview of Frequency Fences, to be published
  109. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XIV: The Sub-planes of the Fourth Dimension 
  110. Who are the Fallen Melchizedeks – Part II: The Astral Plane Connection
  111. Physical Death and Afterlife: the Astral Plane, Summerland [Purgatory], and the Onset of Reincarnation or Ascension
  112. Reincarnation
  113. Saying NO to Reincarnation is your only Ticket out of the 3-D Duality Matrix
  114. Consciousness Expansibility
  115. The Interconnection of Vibration, ‘Consciousness Expansibility,’ ‘Soul Compliance,’ and Karma and their Relevance to Consciousness
  116.  Consciousness Studies 101: Getting Prepared for a New Age of Expanded Consciousness
  117. Towards Higher Consciousness and Higher Dimensional Existence
  118. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Strategy: Parasitic-Vampiric  Harvesting of Loosh via Causing Pain and Suffering, to be published
  119. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC)  Technology: Holographic Inserts – An Overview, to be published
  120. Essays on Humanity – Part IV: Emotion-Intuition versus Thought-Logic
By multidimensionalconsciousness

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